Okeechobee Identity Theft Defense Lawyers

Heart ScaleIf you have been charged with identity theft in Okeechobee, contact The Law Offices of David Golden, P.A. for immediate legal help. Identity theft is an increasingly high priority for prosecutors, with increasingly serious penalties to match. Florida Statutes Annotated section 817.568 provides for several different types of identity theft charges, depending on the circumstances of the case. The most common charges defendants face include:

  • Criminal Use of Personally Identifying Information (PII)
  • Counterfeit PII
  • Use of a Deceased Person’s PII
  • Obtaining Property by False Personation
  • Criminal Use of PII to Harass
  • Use of a Minor’s PII

If you’ve been charged with identity theft, you could be facing misdemeanor or felony charges, so it is important to take the allegations seriously. The Law Offices of David Golden, P.A. represents those charged with identity theft in Okeechobee County and across the Treasure Coast region. Contact us at 863-220-4400 or reach out to us online to schedule a completely free consultation with an experienced criminal defense attorney on our team today.

How Florida Defines Identity Theft

Identity theft is a broad term that includes a number of individual crimes. In Florida, identity theft includes:

  • Using the personal information of the deceased
  • Using the personal information of a minor
  • Fabricating personal information
  • Using this personal information for financial gain or other personal gain
  • Using personal information to harass an individual

Identity theft charges can be complicated, and your best chance at reducing your penalties or beating the charges entirely rests on your selection of a tough, talented identity theft lawyer like David Golden.

Penalties for Identity Theft in Florida

Depending on the nature of the crime, identity theft can be charged as a misdemeanor or a felony of varying degrees. Penalties for an identity theft conviction could include:

Fines – A misdemeanor conviction could result in a fine of up to 1,000, while a felony conviction could result in fines anywhere up to $15,000

Incarceration – A first-degree misdemeanor conviction could lead to a sentence of up to a year in jail, while a felony conviction could include incarceration ranging from a year to 40 years.

Probation – Anyone convicted of identity theft in Florida could be required to serve probation along with any fines and incarceration. Individuals on probation must comply with the court’s orders, including paying fines and restitution, meeting regularly with a probation officer, and other requirements.

Restitution – When money is lost due to the identity theft crime, the court could order the Accused to pay restitution to the individual or organization in addition to any other fines or court costs.

Contact an Okeechobee County Identity Theft Lawyer

Success in your case may come down to how knowledgeable and experienced your defense lawyer is. If you or someone you know has been charged with identity theft in the Okeechobee, Taylor Creek, Fort Drum, or other areas of Okeechobee County, you can benefit from the skills and experience at The Law Offices of David Golden, P.A. Call us at 863-220-4400 to find out more about how we can help you.

Contact Us
Contact the firm today to get your confidential case evaluation.

Okeechobee Office
306 NW 4th St
Okeechobee, FL 34972

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